Obesity Department

Comprehensive treatment of morbid obesity with a multidisciplinary follow-up.

 Obesity is a disease recognized by the World Health Organization since 1997 and defined as the "abnormal and excessive accumulation of fat that may impair health". It is a real scourge of our society because it is a complex disease that affects millions of people and is today one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Obesity is assessed by the Body Mass Index (BMI), which shows a direct correlation with the amount of body fat. According to the World Health Organization, in adults overweight is defined as a BMI of 25-30 kg/m2 and obesity as a BMI equal to or greater than 30 k.

Morbid obesity is a very serious disease that has seen an unprecedented spread in the last 30 years, nowadays taking on global epidemic proportions. It is defined as the presence of a BMI of more than 40 kg/m2 without any comorbidities, or a BMI of more than 35 kg/m2 with at least one comorbidity. It is a problem with serious social and psychological dimensions and affects all ages and socio-economic classes. Greece has one of the highest rates of morbid obesity in Europe, both among adults and among adolescents and children. It is a chronic multifactorial disease with at least 4 components: genetic, endocrinological, microbiotic and psychological. Behavioral disorders (eating, sedentary life) and the discrimination to which these patients are subjected are more aggravating factors than real causes, contrary to current prejudices. Therefore, the treatment of morbid obesity is difficult because it must be multifactorial and consider the person as a whole.

It is now known that being overweight is associated with an increased risk of cancer (e.g. esophagus, colon, rectum, breast, etc.), high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, depression, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, back pain , gastroesophageal reflux, cholelithiasis, infertility, respiratory disease and sleep disorders. These serious health consequences make obesity a disease that causes premature mortality. All these comorbidities require multifactorial care from different specialties, which is provided in our centers.

The obesity clinics of the HGH group follow the international current practices regarding the treatment of overweight patients and obesity. Thus, a multifactorial approach is offered in combination with collaboration with specialized scientists with the aim of preventing obesity and losing the excess weight of our patients.

Particularly important is the first stage of care, which should include the release of guilt. Indeed, the obese patient should not be held solely responsible for their condition. Unfortunately today many obese patients are excluded from society, struggling with "fat racism or chondrophobia".

HealthSpot, under the responsibility of Dr. Panagiotis Laina MD PhD, offers patients a complete interdisciplinary follow-up (pathological, endocrinological, surgical, nutritional-dietological, psychological, etc.). This includes, for cases where surgery is indicated, preoperative follow-up, surgical management on a case-by-case basis, and lifelong postoperative follow-up.