Hypertension Clinic

Arterial Hypertension: The “silent killer”.

The incidence of Hypertension today ranges from 30-60% depending on age. Hypertension is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular events and because it is asymptomatic it is also called the "silent killer". The correct way of measuring blood pressure is very important for its diagnosis and treatment.

At Glyfada’s HealthSpot there is a Hypertension Clinic run by Professor Athanasios Manolis, Director of the Hypertension Clinic of the Metropolitan Hospital.

Professor A. Manolis is internationally known in the field of Hypertension, a member of the writing team of the European Society of Cardiology and Hypertension Society guidelines on Hypertension, and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Hypertension Society since 2003. The clinic is a Center of Excellence of the European Society of Hypertension, and it applies the most up-to-date testing and treatment available in the international arena today.